Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is the 20% Project?

The idea of the 20% project was started several years ago by Google and even longer ago by companies like 3M.  The idea is simple; free up the minds of the workers to let them be creative and let them pursue whatever ideas they wish.  In today's world, we look at what separates America from the rest of the world and the answer has to be our ability to think freely and hold the entrepreneur in a high regard.  The creation of jobs, new technology, and inventions is what drives our economy and the world.  We are simply taking that same mindset to our classroom setting.  What can you create?  What can you think of that needs to be done?  What do you simply want to accomplish?


  1. Linse, Emma, Emily, Kyle
    Today, Emily and I worked on the power point. We gathered images, and found some extra information. Emma looked up, and wrote down information in our notes document. Kyle planned out our slide show, and helped Emma with the notes. As a group, we decided a date to go and make our food. While we make the food, we had the idea to video record certain parts, and take lots of pictures to present to the class. Over the next week, we plan to fully complete the PowerPoint. Following that, we plan to go shopping, and buy the necessary ingredients to make our cultural food recipes. Hopefully, everything goes as planned. As of right now, we feel on track, and will be fully prepared to present within the next couple weeks. Thank you! Have a nice day :)

  2. Hello, today we were researching Africa and their huts. We now have infomation on how to built one of the African houses. We will be working very hard for the next few weeks.(:

  3. We are researching for our 20% project on education in different countries. We have started on powerpoint and been making very good progress.

    -Erik Riley and Konner

  4. We are working on our presentation to present to the class in the beginning of May. It is coming together nicely. we will start collecting donations for the cause soon.

  5. Emily, Emma, Kyle, Linse
    Today, Emily and Linse worked on the notes we plan to talk about during our presentation. Emma found images for the power point. While Kyle, did a few main points on the slides. So far, we are still on track. Our food date has been talked about, and we have a set date for not this Sunday, but the following. It is coming together nicely. A few finishing touches and our power point will be done. Next task, the slide show.

  6. Today we started on new slides for our power point and gather information for the slides. This weekend our group is going to continue to work on our slide show. Instead of putting the places on a map on paper we are going to put the places we are doing our information on a map on the slide show. The map with be the second slide.

  7. Today Amiee Bronson Trevor and spencer put info on our slides and worked on finding pen pals. We also looked at differnt school the the people are from.

  8. Alexis and I have started our powerpoint and this weekend we will not be working on our project because we have english homework. Have a great day(:

  9. today alexis lyon shelbi and jordon white have found more paintings and dug deeper into the history of music. we have found english version of a song sung by an old woman that lives in japan.

  10. Claire, Amber, and Katie
    We have found a video that we would like to show and also all of our slides are close to being finished and we have a bit more information to find to fill n a few holes and then our project will be complete. We will have no problem finishing in the next few class periods.

  11. Linse Emily Emma Kyle
    Today Emily edited our power point. Emma had some troubles accessing YouTube to find a video to attach to power point. She then ended up finding a video through a different website. Linse added notes to our presentation document. Kyle jumped around helping the each of us out here and there, being we only had access to three computers. Our date for this weekend is no longer on, due to Emma leaving for flordia. Therefore, we have planned to make, record, and eat our cultural food the following weekend. Other than a few minor roadblocks, we have been doing well with staying on track, and getting things done. Also, Emma has begun the slide show at home with her father, and we will all tribute into that when we go to make the food. Thank you :)

  12. Today we put more information on our slides. Jenna and Riley are working on the map with the locations of the places we are researching about. Dillon did two slides today and is making progress with Jenna and Riley pushing him to do his work. Jenna and Riley are adding the finishing touches on there sides by reading over them and adding information. We will be continuing to work of this project outside of class.

  13. Today Trevor,Bronson and Spencer put a video on our power point. We up more info on our slides and tryed to find trevor a pen pal person.

  14. We have everything planned out for our homeless night. We will be spending the night in the weather tonight. We are adding more information to our slides.We are almost finished and it has come together very nicely.

  15. Linse Emily Kyle Emma
    We have an idea for our day to make food now. Some conflicts have came up though, so we will have to work around it. Our power point is a few steps away from being complete. Soon, we will go shopping for the necessary ingredients for our recipes. The slide show is on its way, and once we find music to play during it, that will be done. Overall, things are coming along okay....we need to begin working outside of class though. Thanks.

  16. Today, Jenna worked on the map, she put the tourist attraction on the map to where they are located, and finished that. Riley finished up putting information on her last slide. Dillon is still working on putting information on his slides. Jenna is also taking some information off her slides.
